美国市场公告 - 公告日期2020年8月24日

Zero Gravity: Safe purchasing
Zero GravityGravity works actively to combat the serious issue of counterfeit machines. We’re aware of a number of imitation versions of our technology, and our priority is to protect our users against the possibility of unknowingly buying machines
We’ve always tried to find a way to help our users, whether that be developing technology, or investing in the research and development of machines aiming to nourish your Hair and Skin. In the same way we aim to protect our users from potentially dangerous counterfeit Zero Gravity technology.
Zero Gravity has a full-time global team, working to protect shoppers from the risks posed by counterfeit products and fake websites. We work closely with law enforcement bodies to protect shoppers, and take legal action against people involved in the manufacture and distribution of counterfeit Zero Gravity machines.
Why counterfeit Zero Gravity machines can be dangerous
Counterfeit Zero Gravity machines are often cheaply made, potentially dangerous, and don’t provide the same stand-out experience as a genuine Zero Gravity machine.
Counterfeit machines are not manufactured in controlled Zero Gravity environments that are designed to ensure the quality and safety of our products. Components and measures used to safeguard our machines are usually omitted.
For this reason, we do not recommend you use counterfeit Zero Gravity products.
Have you bought a counterfeit machine?
The individuals behind counterfeit products go to great lengths to make sure they look as genuine as possible. It’s often only once the machine has been used that a user will become suspicious.
Counterfeit Zero Gravity machines are very difficult to spot: They appear nearly exactly the same as the genuine Zero Gravity machine: from the logos on the machines to the packaging they are delivered in. Counterfeit Zero Gravity machines even include copies of Zero Gravity’s serial number stickers and Zero Gravity warranty cards. Their external appearance is where the similarities end.
Common things to look out for which are likely to indicate you have purchased a counterfeit include:
- Poor quality manufacturing finish (for example, misapplied Zero Gravity logos, uneven joins in materials, scratches on the product or uneven edges)
- Poor quality packaging materials
- Typos on the product, the packaging, or the documentation enclosed in the packaging
Reporting suspicious machines
Zero Gravity does not service counterfeit machines as they aren’t made by Zero Gravity or with genuine Zero Gravity parts. Neither will we be able to offer you a refund for the counterfeit product you may have purchased.
In some circumstances, we provide support to consumers who have purchased counterfeit Zero Gravity machines to help them get their money back.
For further support or advice please contact the Zero Gravity Customer Care team.
Zero Gravity是否有任何授权的网上卖家?
Zero Gravity Skin 未授权在线经销商
任何未经授权的互联网卖家销售的产品,Zero Gravity Skin 对所有产品均不提供保修服务。Zero Gravity Skin 认为,许多互联网经销商并未完全披露通过互联网购买 Zero Gravity Skin 产品所带来的风险。请谨慎选择 Zero Gravity Skin 产品的来源时。
Zero Gravity Skin 向您,即原始买家保证,在您购买时提供的详细信息中指定的期限内(1年至产品的使用寿命),您的产品不存在任何材料和/或工艺上的缺陷。您的美容仪只有在 www.zerogravityskin.com上注册后才可获得保修。为了向我们的客户提供保修服务,Zero Gravity Skin 是所有 Zero Gravity Skin 产品的唯一和独家制造商和经销商,所有产品的生产均符合美国食品及药物管理局的要求,并仅通过授权的零售商销售,包括在我们的官方网站 www.zerogravityskin.com.为了保持我们严格的质量控制流程,任何通过未经授权的零售商销售的产品,都不能通过我们的保修计划进行注册,因此将不能拥有零重力皮肤的真伪和批准印章。零重力皮肤超越,以确保每个产品通过一个独特的序列号进行跟踪,从而禁止通过未经授权的零售商购买的设备通过我们的保修计划兑换更换件。通过未经授权的零售商销售或从未知来源购买的产品可能是二次拥有、有缺陷的和/或损坏的,并且可能属于安全隐患,并且不在零重力皮肤保修范围内。零重力皮肤与任何未经授权的产品零售商(包括在第三方网站上销售的零售商)无关,对任何产品或因使用产品造成的损害不承担任何责任或义务。零重力皮肤强烈建议用户只通过授权零售商或我们的官方网站购买零重力皮肤产品。
如果您因从Mercari、eBay、Amazon、Poshmark等未经授权的零售商处购买了 Zero Gravity Skin 产品而与我们联系,并且您在使用该产品时遇到了问题,那么很遗憾,我们无法对该产品进行保修,也无法帮助您进行更换。Zero Gravity Skin 与这些未经授权的零售商没有任何关系,也不认可其任何销售行为。
只有当您从 Zero Gravity Skin或 Zero Gravity Skin 授权的经销商处购买产品时,您才能充分受益。标准的Zero Gravity Skin 保修适用于您从授权的零重力经销商处购买的 Zero Gravity Skin 产品;当您从授权的经销商处购买产品时,您有权得到我们训练有素的专家的支持服务。
从未经授权的经销商那里购买 Zero Gravity Skin 产品有很大的风险。如果您从未经授权的来源购买 Zero Gravity Skin 产品,这些产品可能是二手的、假冒的或被盗的。此外, Zero Gravity Skin 保修不包括从未经授权的经销商购买的 Zero Gravity Skin 产品, Zero Gravity Skin 无法为其提供支持服务。
请勿从任何未经 Zero Gravity Skin 授权的经销商处购买 Zero Gravity Skin 产品:
- Truegal. com
- Tanga. com
- 亚马逊网站
- Ebay. com
- 美嘉利网站
- Poshmark. com
- Jet. com
- Way尔. com
- Searcom
- 上海黛安生物科技有限公司 (AE) (中国)
从未经授权的经销商处购买 Zero Gravity Skin 产品存在重大风险。如果您从未经授权的来源购买 Zero Gravity Skin 产品,产品可能是二手产品,假冒产品或被盗产品。此外,Zero Gravity Skin 的保修不包括从未经授权的经销商处购买的 Zero Gravity Skin 产品,Zero Gravity Skin 不會提供任何支援服务。
请勿从任何未经授权的经销商购买 Zero Gravity Skin 产品:
未经授权的卖家 淘宝 Taobao:
未经授权的卖家 Xianyu 咸鱼:
我们将每周更新名单。无论这些目前的名单, 请注意, 没有任何在线卖家是授权经销商。请只从授权零售商处购买。
明道科技(广州)有限公司 被授权为 Perfectio X, Perfectio X G2 及 Sapphire X 中国大陸的代理。在中国大陆所销售的零重力仪器,遵循中国法律法规为家用美容仪器,不是医疗设备。
Mingdao Technology (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. is authorized to be the dustributor of Perfectio X, Perfectio X G2 and Sapphire X in Mainland China. Zero Gravity devices sold in Mainland China are household beauty devices in compliance with Chinese laws and regulations, and are not medical equipment.
地址:广东省广州市 番禺区 汉溪大道东 时代E-Park B2-812 (电话:400-863-0788)
所有在网上购买但没有如下防伪标签的 Perfectio X 及 完美X G2 可能是仿品或者二次包装的仪器,均不在保修范围,请谨慎购买。
如果你在网上购买 , ,Perfectio X和Perfectio X G2上没有防伪标签(如下图所示)(不适用于其他型号),可能是假冒产品或预购和重新包装的产品。 这些设备不在保修范围内。 请小心
Starshine Marketing China被允许在中国大陆的商店内销售。
深圳丹瑞尔化妆品有限公司 被授权在中国大陆商铺中售卖 Zero Gravity 系列产品。

我能否在这个世界的任何地方使用我的 Perfectio?
- LED灯改善皮肤潮红、酒糟鼻。
- 让肌肤更平滑,肤色更均匀。
- 无停工期。您可立即恢复正常的活动。
为什么我的 Perfectio Plus 外圈不亮?
Perfectio 设备使用两种不同类型的光:LED 灯(亮红色,可见光)和红外线灯(更强,但不可见)。每个设备都有一个由 16 个灯组成的外圈和一个由 9 个灯组成的内圈。我们将 Perfectio 称为 "银色",将 Perfectio Plus 称为 "金色"。设备之间的区别在于
除了内圈的 4 盏隐形红外灯外,银色灯完全由鲜红色 LED 灯组成。金色装置由外圈的隐形红外线灯和内圈的亮红色 LED 灯组成。请记住:不可见的红外线灯是最强大的,这就是为什么金色装置使用了更多的红外线 LED 灯。想想太阳光中的紫外线,它有多么强大,却又是看不见的。红外线也是一样,它们的波长频率非常高。这也是为什么外环看起来没有发光的原因。如果你还记得在演示过程中看到过外环发光,那肯定是银光。