Recreo Hair
Recreo Hair
Recreo Hair is a hair growth device that uses low-level laser light therapy to promote gradual hair production and initiate a process of renewal.
Recreo ™ 是由美國食品及藥物管理局 (FDA) 批准的二級醫學儀器。 Recreo Hair™ 是FDA二級醫療器械。
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Recreo Hair by Zerogravity
About Recreo Hair
增加 20%在體積和厚度你的頭髮在短短三個月內!
Recreo Hair Advantages
研究顯示 研究顯示, 90% 的男性和45% 的女性一生中頭髮的體積和密度都有損失。在男性中, 這個過程會導致完全禿頂, 在女性身上, 會導致頭皮不同部位不同程度的頭髮變薄。
在頭髮變稀疏和掉髮的 過程中 , 為毛囊提供營養的血管收縮;頭皮層變得越來越薄,因此導致健康濃密的頭髮生長所需的營養和氧氣嚴重短缺。 雖然這一過程速度緩慢,但可以確定的是,毛囊萎縮,導致頭髮稀疏,像羽毛一樣缺少光澤。 最終,由於毛囊功能失調,頭髮完全停止生長。
的發展是建立在皮膚科醫學研究的基礎之上的。 研究表明,男性和女性脫髮的主要原因是毛囊對激素二氫睾酮 (DHT) 的敏感性。 of Recero Hair is based on medical research in the field of dermatology. Research has shown the principal cause of hair loss in both men and women to be follicle sensitivity to the hormone Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Recreo Hair 治療禿頂的主要原因,並有助於促進頭髮生長。治療是局部和直接的,產生快速反應,沒有副作用。
科學 acknowledges LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) as a non-chemical, non-invasive and effective method for treating and regenerating hair growth. Recreo Hair emits laser energy from a short range, directly, while the teeth part the hair that blocks the laser beam from reaching the scalp.
Who Can Benefit From Using Recreo Hair?
在以下幾個案例中, Recreo 受到強烈推薦:
脫髮的加重在任何年齡段都可能出現,脫髮的原因有很多,比如:壓力、不平衡的飲食習慣、嚴重疾病或住院治療。 如果您注意到您正在大量脫髮,應定期使用 Recreo 進行頭髮護理,其將促進血液流向頭皮、激活毛囊,使頭髮更健康、更強韌。
The first sign of future hair loss may be when hair becomes thinner and more brittle. As a result, the hair does not seem as full as before. This can sometimes be missed or ignored due to shorter hair styles (among other factors). Recreo Hair has great results in treating thinning hair, as it removes toxins and improves the living environment of the hair, enriches the hair follicles and helps them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before.
Hair loss is a genetic trait, effecting 90% of men, If you have a history of hair loss and balding in your family, you are at greater risk – the older you get, the higher the likelihood that you will notice some level of hair loss. Recreo Hair’s unique technology stimulates the hair follicles to produce thicker hair and awakens and encourages dormant follicles to resume a healthy, normal hair growth cycle.
Hair is often an extension and integral part of our personal style. Therefore, when your hair loses its shine, lacks vitality and does not look as good as you would like, it can have a great emotional effect, causing a loss in self-confidence. Recreo Hair works to enrich the hair follicles, helping them grow stronger, healthier and thicker than before, and bringing the hair back to its pride and glory.
Hair loss may increase at many periods in life, resulting in thinner hair. Chemical imbalances in the body can cause the hair follicles to become weak and fall out in increasing numbers. Recreo Hair helps by accelerating the body’s natural cycle of regeneration and by combating external factors that may affect the hair follicles. These actions aid in both the long and in the short term.
There are many periods in life when hair loss can increase and hair can become thinner. In these cases, in generaa, chemical imbalance in the body causes the hair follicles to become weaker and fall out at heightened levels. Recreo Hair helps both in the short and long terms, speeding up the body’s natural regeneration cycle, and combating any external effects that may affect the hair follicles.
對於女性來說,脫髮可以通過頭髮不同部位之間的生長差異來證明。 起初,人們不會注意到脫髮,當它變得越來越明顯時,你才會注意到。 Recreo 獨特的設計可以幫助您直接擺脫脫髮煩惱。 該產品可直接治療最關鍵的區域,阻止掉髮,並扭轉掉髮困擾,使頭髮恢復活力。